Updated campus COVID-19 protocols in effect
COVID-19 Response and Recovery Task Force
Dear Bruin Community:
We write to inform you of UCLA’s recently updated COVID-19 protocols, which address COVID-19 prevention, vaccines, testing, exposure management and isolation/quarantine, and are effective immediately. The complete list of campus protocols are posted on the UCLA COVID-19 website. Those who work in UCLA Health clinical areas must follow the COVID-19 protocols for health care settings. However, those who work in both clinical and non-clinical settings must also comply with these campus protocols when outside of the health care environment.
The following protocol documents have had extensive policy changes, which are highlighted in each document:
- UCLA Summary of COVID-19 Public Health Mitigation Requirements (PDF)
This document includes UCLA COVID-19 protocols, requirements and guidelines for faculty, staff, students and third-party contract workers present on UCLA campus or properties to mitigate public health risks and reduce the spread of COVID-19. The update includes a requirement that supervisors of staff, and department chairs for academic appointees, must check the UCLA COVID-19 Clearance Portal daily to verify their direct reports are cleared to be on site at UCLA property. Please refer to this tip sheet (PDF) for more information about the portal and how to use it. - UCLA Procedures for Compliance and Enforcement of COVID-19 Public Health Mitigation Measures (PDF)
This document outlines the six guiding principles (see APPENDIX A) that recognize the uniform desire to focus first on education, de-escalation and development of a community of compliance to help reduce the spread of COVID-19, and subsequently to provide procedures for enforcing compliance if students, faculty or staff refuse to comply with public health mitigation measures issued by UCLA. - UCLA Community Screening Protocol (PDF)
This protocol sets forth the requirements for faculty, staff and students to participate in COVID-19 testing to provide for early detection of the virus (especially those that are asymptomatic) and then placing them in isolation to reduce the possibility of spreading the virus while they are contagious. As a reminder, surveillance testing is required twice weekly for those who are unvaccinated, and strongly encouraged at least weekly for fully vaccinated individuals. - UCLA Isolation and Quarantine Protocol (PDF)
The purpose of this protocol is to provide direction on who, when and for how long faculty, staff or students should isolate if symptomatic and/or after testing positive for COVID-19, and instructions for asymptomatic close contacts who should quarantine. The modified quarantine directive for students is also now reflected in the protocol in alignment with LACDPH directives. - UCLA COVID-19 Pivot Plan and Decision Matrix (PDF)
This protocol includes guidance and criteria used for decision-making and thoughtful risk management during fluctuations of the COVID-19 pandemic to ramp up or ramp down on-site activities, based on objective data and performance thresholds, and in alignment with L.A. County and UCLA campus-specific public health conditions.
We want to thank you for your continued support and commitment to these protocols and guidance as we proceed with further ramping up of on-site working, learning and living. Our collective actions as a Bruin community are critical for our success as we begin the new academic year.
For more information about UCLA’s response to the pandemic, please see UCLA’s dedicated COVID-19 website, which includes all campuswide communications on this subject.
Michael J. Beck
Administrative Vice Chancellor
Co-chair, COVID-19 Response and Recovery Task Force
Megan McEvoy
Professor, Institute for Society and Genetics,
Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Molecular Genetics
Co-chair, COVID-19 Response and Recovery Task Force