Summer Session C will be remote
To the Campus Community:
Our prevailing priority during the COVID-19 crisis is to protect the health and safety of our Bruin community. Faculty and staff also remain undaunted in our efforts to continue our teaching mission, despite the challenges this presents. Based on the new data we receive every day, we have decided to continue to offer instruction remotely through Summer Session C. This follows, as you know, our earlier decision that Session A will be taught remotely. We ask faculty, students, and staff to plan accordingly.
Based on the unique learning needs of some academic units, and with due consideration of the facts related to COVID-19, we are exploring the option for certain programs to develop plans to safely administer traditional, in-person instruction in summer session C on a limited basis. Students should plan for remote instruction unless they receive information from their department stating otherwise. For those professional schools that follow a different academic calendar, students should consult their specific programs for guidance.
The Summer Sessions FAQ webpage will be continuously updated as we finalize remote teaching course availability for this summer.
Please routinely check with UCLA information sources for updates. The most up-to-date information can be found online at UCLA’s COVID-19 website, and emergency updates and resources are always available at Bruins Safe Online.
We continue to ask all Bruins to remain flexible, and we appreciate your patience during this evolving situation.
Emily A. Carter
Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost
Patricia A. Turner
Vice Provost and Dean of Undergraduate Education