Remote start to winter quarter instruction and COVID-19 booster requirement
COVID-19 Response and Recovery Task Force
Dear Bruin Community:
In light of the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant, we are making changes to the start of winter quarter to reduce the risk of a rise in new COVID-19 cases at UCLA:
- Classes will begin on Jan. 3 as scheduled. Classes will be held remotely for the first two weeks of the winter quarter (some exceptions may apply for clinical courses). We intend to return to in-person instruction on Jan. 18.
- All students should still plan to return to campus no later than Jan. 9 to participate in a robust COVID-19 testing program that will help keep our community healthier. Faculty and staff returning to campus after the break will also participate in a testing regimen.
- Consistent with the UC systemwide vaccine policy (PDF), UCLA is requiring vaccine boosters for all who are eligible. Proof of vaccine boosters is required by Jan. 18 for students and Jan. 31 for employees coming to campus.
If conditions change, we will evaluate appropriate adjustments based on criteria within the UCLA COVID-19 Pivot Plan and Decision Matrix (PDF) and communicate them to the campus.
This new safety protocol will help us to quickly identify the presence of COVID-19 in our community while limiting major disruption of campus activities and reducing the risk of serious complications from COVID-19.
Detailed procedures for students, faculty and staff returning to campus after the break appear below. Additionally, we have compiled answers to frequently asked questions, which are listed at the end of this message.
Vaccine boosters
Getting vaccinated remains an effective strategy for reducing the severity of COVID-19, is recommended by the CDC and is required as part of the UC policy on vaccination (PDF). Per the policy, vaccine boosters are required for all faculty, academic personnel, staff, trainees, students, and others accessing university facilities and programs who are eligible to receive them.
Eligible UCLA faculty, staff and students must obtain their COVID-19 booster shots as soon as possible. Students must upload proof to the Ashe Student Portal by Jan. 18. Faculty and staff must provide proof through the UCLA Symptom Survey/Vaccine Verification System by Jan. 31 (the survey will be updated in early January to allow for booster proof to be uploaded). This booster requirement applies to those who plan to work on site at least part- or full-time during the winter term. This booster requirement does not apply to those who are working fully remotely or those who have an approved exception.
Please note: UCLA Extension and K-12 students will receive additional guidance from their respective programs.
All students should return to Westwood no later than Jan. 9 to participate in a campus COVID-19 testing program that will help keep our community healthier. Campus housing will reopen as scheduled on Jan. 1 and students may return as they previously planned.
Regardless of vaccination status, returning students need to take COVID-19 tests at three different times:
- Students should take a COVID-19 test from a provider of their choice no more than 72 hours before coming back to Westwood. Any student who tests positive must isolate for 10 days before returning to UCLA.
- Immediately upon returning to campus, students must test again using a UCLA-provided test, as follows:
- Students living in university-owned on-campus housing must take a free COVID-19 rapid test that will be distributed upon check in. Students who test positive upon arrival will be asked to return home to isolate for 10 days, if feasible, or will be placed in campus isolation housing.
- Students living in university-owned off-campus apartments must take a free COVID-19 rapid test that will be distributed at their front desk.
- Students not living in university-owned housing must come to campus to obtain a free COVID-19 test through our campus vending machines and distribution centers, and deposit the sample in the marked collection bins.
- All students must take another test three to five days after returning from winter break, but no later than Jan. 13. This test must be obtained from a campus vending machine or distribution center.
In all cases, any student who tests positive for COVID-19 will be required to isolate for 10 days.
Effective immediately, all students — regardless of vaccination status — must test at least 1x per week (2x per week is strongly recommended) through the campus testing program for the duration of winter quarter per the UCLA Community Screening Protocol (PDF). Students coming to campus over the winter break for research or other activities must test at least 1x per week over the break as well (please note some limited processing periods during this time). These requirements are subject to modification as conditions change.
Faculty and staff
Please note: Faculty and staff working in UCLA hospitals and clinics should follow guidance issued by UCLA Health.
Staff who have been working fully remotely during the fall term should continue to work remotely through the end of January. Anyone previously working in a full-time in-person or hybrid fashion should continue to follow their previous schedule, unless otherwise directed by their supervisor. This will help us manage the additional logistical challenges posed by our newly modified protocols.
Regardless of vaccination status, faculty and staff who are returning to campus after the winter break are asked to take COVID-19 tests at three different times:
- Faculty and staff should take a COVID-19 test from a provider of their choice no more than 72 hours before returning to on-site work.
- Immediately upon arrival to campus, all faculty and staff must test again, either through the free COVID-19 campus vending machines and distribution centers, or via a COVID-19 rapid test if available in your department.
- All faculty and staff must take another test three to five days after returning from winter break. This test must be obtained from a campus vending machine or distribution center.
Any faculty or staff member who tests positive for COVID-19 will be required to isolate for 10 days.
Effective immediately, all faculty and staff — regardless of vaccination status — must test at least 1x per week (2x per week is strongly recommended) through the campus surveillance testing program for the duration of winter quarter, per the UCLA Community Screening Protocol (PDF). Faculty and staff coming to campus over the winter break for research or other activities must test at least 1x per week over the break as well (please note some limited processing periods during this time). These requirements are subject to modification as conditions change.
In addition to these new procedures, all faculty, staff and students must continue to follow regular campus health protocols, including wearing face masks indoors. We strongly encourage members of the community also to wear masks in outdoor environments while among other people. Additionally, everyone living, learning or working on UCLA properties must continue to complete the UCLA COVID-19 Symptom Monitoring and Vaccination Verification System Survey before arriving on or going out onto campus each day, regardless of vaccination status.
For more information about staying healthy over the break, refer to our winter travel reminders.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we plan for a safer start to 2022. Thank you for your commitment to keeping our Bruin community healthier as we continue to navigate this pandemic and the many challenges it poses for all of us.
Michael J. Beck
Administrative Vice Chancellor
Co-chair, COVID-19 Response and Recovery Task Force
Megan McEvoy
Professor, Institute for Society and Genetics,
Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Molecular Genetics
Co-chair, COVID-19 Response and Recovery Task Force
Winter Quarter FAQ
What will the start of winter quarter look like?
Instruction will be remote for the first two weeks of winter quarter, Jan. 3-14. We expect in-person classes to resume on Jan. 18. This is subject to modification as conditions change.
Why are we taking this step now, before we even know if COVID-19 cases will increase at UCLA?
Starting off winter quarter with two weeks of remote instruction allows everyone in our community to receive their vaccine boosters and participate in a robust surveillance testing program that will help us quickly identify and limit the spread of COVID-19 in our community. In short, our plan is to mandate that everyone test, travel to campus, then test twice more before we return to face-to-face instruction together.
Should I come back to Westwood before the start of in-person classes?
Yes. Students should return to UCLA no later than Jan. 9, to allow time for them to receive two negative test results at UCLA prior to attending in-person instruction. This is essential to helping limit the spread of COVID-19 within our community. Campus housing will remain open as previously planned.
Staff who have been working fully remotely during the fall term should continue to work in such a manner through the end of January. This will help minimize logistical challenges posed by our newly modified protocols. Staff working in a full-time or hybrid fashion should continue to do so and return as previously scheduled, unless directed by their supervisor to change.
Am I required to get the COVID-19 booster?
Yes, UC’s vaccination policy (PDF) requires all faculty, academic personnel, staff, trainees, students, and others accessing university facilities and programs to receive a full vaccine series including booster for those who are eligible, unless they have an approved exception.
What are the campus COVID-19 testing protocols for winter quarter?
Returning students, staff and faculty are required to take COVID-19 tests at three different times:
- No more than 72 hours before coming back to Westwood, take a test from a provider of your choice. Anyone who tests positive must isolate for 10 days before returning to UCLA.
- Immediately upon returning to campus, test again using a UCLA-provided test as follows:
- Students living in on-campus university housing will be able to take a free COVID-19 rapid test that will be distributed upon check in. Students who test positive upon arrival will be asked to return home to isolate for 10 days, if feasible, or will be placed in campus isolation housing.
- Students in off-campus university owned housing can access rapid testing kits at their front desk.
- Students not living in university housing must come to campus to obtain a free COVID-19 test through the campus vending machines and distribution centers.
- All faculty and staff must test either through the free COVID-19 campus vending machines and distribution centers, or via a COVID-19 rapid test if available in your department.
- Three to five days after returning from winter break, but no later than Jan. 13, test again with a free test from a campus vending machine or distribution center.
Additionally, all students, faculty and staff — regardless of vaccination status — must test at least 1x per week (2x per week is strongly recommended) through the campus testing program for the duration of winter quarter per the UCLA Community Screening Protocol (PDF). This requirement is subject to modification as conditions change.
Faculty and staff working in UCLA hospitals and clinics should follow guidance issued by UCLA Health. Additionally, UCLA Extension and K-12 students should follow the guidance issued by their respective programs.
Where can I take a COVID-19 test before I head back to Westwood? Does the test need to be administered by UCLA?
The test you take within 72 hours of returning to campus can be obtained through the campus vending machines or distribution centers (please note some limited processing periods during winter break), but can also be through other means. COVID-19 testing is available at various Los Angeles County-run sites or at CVS, Rite Aid, Walgreens or local independent pharmacies throughout California. For those outside the state, the Department of Health and Human Services find-a-test website will help you locate a testing location near you.
However, once you are back on campus, your tests must be administered by the university so that we can quickly respond to positive cases with support and mitigate potential spread of the virus.
How can I get a free COVID-19 test once I return to Westwood?
Free rapid tests will be distributed to students living in campus owned housing once they check in after the break. Free PCR tests are available to all members of our community via campus vending machines or distribution centers. Simply use your BruinCard to obtain a free test kit at one of the vending machines on campus and follow the instructions listed on the site. Both rapid and PCR tests are also available at the Ashe Center (see winter break hours).
What tests am I required to take if I’m remaining in Westwood and coming to campus during the break?
Those who will be on campus during the winter break to conduct research or engage in other activities must test 1x per week (2x per week is recommended) through the campus testing program per the UCLA Community Screening Protocol (PDF). These individuals do not need to participate in the special testing regimen for returning students, staff and faculty described above, but are required to continue regular weekly testing. Please note that samples will not be collected or processed between Dec. 23–26 and Dec. 30–Jan. 2. For details, visit the UCLA Ashe Student Health and Wellness Center’s holiday break page.
Will there be enough tests available for all students? What about faculty and staff?
Yes, PCR testing is available through our SwabSeq technology, with results typically available in about 24 hours, although that could take longer during the winter break. UCLA has also ordered rapid tests for when those are prescribed in the testing protocol.
Will it be safe to return to in-person classes on Jan. 18?
These revised plans — coupled with UC’s vaccination mandate and our community’s continued adherence to indoor masking and other health protocols — will help us mitigate the risks posed by the spread of the Omicron variant. UCLA will continue to closely monitor COVID cases and we are prepared to adjust our plans as needed.
Are resources available for instructors to move their first two weeks of instruction online?
Yes. UCLA’s Keep Teaching site provides basics on revising your course for remote instruction, including key details on technologies and teaching strategies.
I live in campus-run housing. What if I or one of my roommates test positive after returning from winter break?
Students who test positive will be asked to return home to isolate or be moved to isolation housing. Fully vaccinated students who are exposed and remain asymptomatic do not need to quarantine, but must continue to follow all the campus testing protocols. They must monitor for symptoms and strictly adhere to COVID-19 precautions for 14 days from their last exposure. Students who are not fully vaccinated will be contacted by the Exposure Management Team for how to quarantine properly if they are identified as a close contact.
Can I host an event on campus in January?
The current campus event protocol does not prohibit events, but the protocol is now under review and any changes will be communicated to the campus community early in the winter quarter.
Is there an increase in COVID-19 cases at UCLA?
Yes, COVID-19 cases have been increasing. We continue to closely monitor the spread of the Omicron variant and we know that it is highly transmissible, much more so than other variants. These new plans will help minimize the risk of transmission at UCLA once we return for the winter quarter. We will, however, be prepared to adjust these plans as conditions change in the weeks ahead.
Campus operations Faculty Graduate students Health and safety Staff Undergraduate students