‘Hold in place’ on research ramp-up activities has been lifted
Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Creative Activities
Dear Bruin Community:
On December 3, 2020, as a direct result of the post-Thanksgiving surge in COVID-19 cases throughout our region, UCLA’s COVID-19 Response and Recovery Task Force (CRRTF) implemented a state of “hold in place” for new research activities. We have operated under this state for the past two months, during which time limited changes have been processed on approved Research Operational Plans (ROPs), with approval to commence new activities granted under exceptional circumstances only. This state of “hold in place” was also communicated with a December 7, 2020 BruinPost from the CRRTF.
With the decline of new positive cases, and the progress made toward vaccinating research personnel, the CRRTF has agreed to lift the “hold in place” moratorium, allowing new ROPs to be submitted via DocuSign under our Phase 2 guidelines.
The CRRTF is also considering when and how campus research activities will shift from Phase 2 to Phase 3. When those decisions are made, an announcement with instructions will be distributed and posted on my Research Ramp-Up website. Meanwhile, see the Guidelines for UCLA Research Ramp-Up (PDF) for information about activities permitted under each phase.
While we continue the vaccination program, it remains critical that personnel reporting to campus continue to follow public health mitigations such as physical distancing and wearing face coverings, complete the required symptom monitoring survey, and participate in regular COVID-19 testing and community screening as detailed in the UCLA COVID-19 Community Screening Protocol (PDF).
Any researchers working on campus and not receiving regular email reminders about testing should sign up for UCLA’s Community Screening Program. (This same form can be used to unsubscribe from the screening lists for those erroneously receiving reminder emails.)
I thank you for your patience during these past few months and request just a little more while we discuss how to continue moving our campus and field research activities forward. Please contact me at c19@research.ucla.edu if you have any questions.
Roger M. Wakimoto
Vice Chancellor for Research and Creative Activities