UCLA’s efforts to limit the spread of COVID-19
To the Campus Community:
As we all work to adapt to our new environment following the president’s Friday declaration of a national emergency and recent announcements by the governor and mayor instituting state- and city-wide restrictions, we wanted to provide you with the latest information about UCLA’s continued efforts to protect our campus and the broader community from the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19).
Although you can continue to visit UCLA’s dedicated COVID-19 website as well as Bruins Safe Online for the latest information, here are some updates intended to provide the Bruin community with helpful guidance:
Meetings and events: UCLA is suspending all nonessential events of any size through the end of spring quarter. We strongly encourage every member of the campus community to carefully consider whether it is necessary to convene in person or hold group meetings or any other type of gathering. Public health officials tell us that reducing population density is the best way to limit the spread of COVID-19.
Working remotely: If you are able to conduct your work remotely, we ask you to speak with your supervisor about how best to do so. Remaining six feet away from others, whenever possible, can help prevent infections transmitted by an uncovered cough or sneeze or from touching contaminated surfaces. All employees should remain home if they are sick.
Campus libraries: In an effort to help reduce density, all UCLA Library locations are closed to the public until further notice, effective immediately. Only three libraries — Powell, Young Research Library and the Biomedical Library — will be open temporarily to UCLA students, staff and faculty with BruinCards on March 17 and 18 from 7:00 a.m. to midnight; and on March 19 from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Students will be able to check out lending laptops and tablets at these three locations through Campus Library Instructional Computing Commons. After March 19, all libraries will be closed until further notice. Materials on loan to patrons will automatically be renewed through June 30, 2020. Please visit the UCLA Library website for additional information on library hours, remote services and other resources.
Campus dining and restaurants: All campus dining halls and quick-service restaurants will become “to-go” operations. Students will still enter the dining halls, but food will be served in to-go containers and items that had previously been offered at self-service stations (such as desert, pizza, soda and fruit) will instead be available in to-go containers; salad bars are being replaced by pre-mixed salads or will have an attendant taking orders. Managers and/or signs will control access and encourage students to line up at least six feet apart from each other.
Some ASUCLA eateries have reduced hours, and all locations that remain open will be to-go only. Some, including Wolfgang Puck Express, are closed, but for now, most other ASUCLA eateries will continue serving to-go options. Knowing that things could change quickly, please check ASUCLA’s hours to confirm when and whether an eatery is open. In dining spaces, ASUCLA is removing large numbers of tables to increase the space between diners to at least six feet, and posting signs today to encourage guests to keep six feet or more between them while in line.
Plateia at the Meyer & Renee Luskin Conference Center is also to-go only, and the lounge is closed.
ASUCLA convenience markets remain open.
Student support line: We will establish a support line for students if they need guidance on any issue related to COVID-19 or how campus operations are affected. Students can reach the support line at 310-825-3894 beginning Wednesday at 9 a.m., and it will remain in operation weekdays from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Grading and exams: Because students are taking final exams under these difficult circumstances, the UCLA Academic Senate strongly encourages all instructors to consider the current circumstances in both planning and evaluating final assessments and avail themselves of one of the options outlined in this message to faculty (PDF).
We know that all of you are working to adapt to this rapidly evolving situation — not just academically and professionally, but also personally. These challenges are only compounded by the personal challenges we all face, whether caring for family or finding basic household items in stores. We have been struck by the compassion and empathy we have seen Bruins exhibit for one another. Whether it is offering to check in with peers or going grocery shopping for neighbors, your actions have demonstrated that our capacity to live our True Bruin values is limitless.
At some point soon, life will return to normal and we look forward to resuming activity as usual on campus. Until then, this new way of working, learning and living can protect us all, particularly those who are most vulnerable in our community. Thank you once again for your commitment to our campus and each other. Your resilience, understanding, and flexibility these past few weeks represent the very best of the Bruin spirit.
Emily A. Carter
Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost
Michael Beck
Administrative Vice Chancellor
Monroe Gorden, Jr.
Vice Chancellor, Student Affairs