Reminder of current UCLA COVID-19 protocols
COVID-19 Response and Recovery Task Force
Note: Those who work in UCLA Health clinical areas (including medical, dental and nursing clinics) must follow theĀ COVID-19 protocols for healthcare settings. However, those who work in both clinical and non-clinical settings must also comply with these campus protocols when outside of the healthcare environment.
UCLA PreK-12 facilities (including early care and education centers, UCLA Lab School and Geffen Academy) will follow specific protocols that will be communicated separately from the schools.
Dear Bruin Community:
In light of recent changes to campus COVID-19 safety protocols and Los Angeles city health ordinances, we write to remind the UCLA community of the current protocols that are still required for those learning, living, working or involved in programs on UCLA properties.
The list of current campus protocols can be viewed on this helpful summary table (PDF).
COVID-19 weekly testing
As communicated in a Bruin Post distributed on April 7, everyone working, learning, living and/or participating in programs regularly on campus, regardless of vaccination status, is required to conduct weekly surveillance testing through the campus vending machines and distribution centers through April 30.
Provided conditions on campus and in the community continue to support easing of mitigation measures, beginning May 1, weekly testing will be recommended but no longer required for UCLA students, faculty and staff who are up to date on their COVID-19 vaccines.
UCLA students, faculty, staff and non-affiliates who are not up to date on their COVID-19 vaccines and are working, learning, living and/or participating in programs regularly on campus or other UCLA property will be required to continue testing at least weekly until further notice.
In addition, those who are onsite less than once a week are reminded that they must participate in testing only on the days they are onsite.
Daily symptom monitoring
All individuals, regardless of vaccination status, who are living, learning and/or working on the UCLA campus must continue to complete the UCLA Symptom Monitoring Online Survey prior to or upon arriving on campus, or each morning if living on campus. You must not come to campus for any reason if you are sick, if symptoms are present or if you have been exposed to someone with COVID-19 until clearance is obtained.
As a reminder, supervisors of staff, as well as department chairs for academic appointees must check the UCLA COVID-19 Clearance Portal daily to verify their direct reports are cleared to be onsite at a UCLA property.
Daily symptom monitoring clearance is still required for entry to UCLA recreational facilities and residential dining halls and may be requested prior to entering UCLA public venues and events. As noted in our most recent announcement, dated April 15, it is now optional for departments hosting events and event organizers to conduct pre-entry checks, as long as they are done equitably across all attendees and organizers give attendees advance notice of the checks prior to the event.
Indoor masking
Those who are not up to date on COVID-19 vaccinations:
NOTE: A person is up to date with their COVID-19 vaccination if they have received all recommended doses in the primary series and one booster when eligible.
Use of a well-fitting upgraded mask or respirator is required indoors for those who are not up to date with COVID-19 vaccinations. This applies to everyone including non-affiliate visitors. The requirement is in effect for events such as concerts, open-to-the-public seminars, symposia and academic presentations hosted by departments, and when entering campus buildings and UCLA Housing facilities.
Those who are up to date on COVID-19 vaccinations:
Use of a well-fitting upgraded mask or respirator is strongly encouraged, but not required, while indoors, including in classrooms and other crowded settings. Per LACDPH, everyone, regardless of vaccination status, must wear masks in certain spaces, such as healthcare settings, public transit, any other locations where it is the policy of the business or venue. Please note that despite a recent federal court ruling regarding masking on public transportation, this remains a requirement under LACDPH and when riding public transportation at UCLA until further notice.
Thank you for your continued attention and cooperation.
Michael J. Beck
Administrative Vice Chancellor
Co-chair, COVID-19 Response and Recovery Task Force
Megan McEvoy
Professor, Institute for Society and Genetics,
Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Molecular Genetics
Co-chair, COVID-19 Response and Recovery Task Force