Town hall for faculty and staff: Well-being during the pandemic
COVID-19 Response and Recovery Task Force

Thursday, Sept. 9, 2021, noon–1 p.m. PDT
UCLA experts address the importance of safeguarding health and emotional and social well-being as many staff and faculty transition to on-campus work this fall. The presentation will be followed by Q&A session.
Related links
- Nava Yeganeh: Children’s Health and Well-Being During COVID-19 (PDF)
- Brenda Bursch: Finding the Path Back to Meaning and Joy (PDF)
- Alon Avidan: Getting a Good Night’s Sleep (PDF)
- Nicole Green: Re-Emergence With Resilience (PDF)
- Additional resources (emotional and social well-being, COVID safety, sleeping well)
Peter Katona, clinical professor of infectious diseases, adjunct professor of public health and chair of UCLA’s Infection Control Working Group
Nava Yeganeh, medical epidemiologist for the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health’s Communicable Disease Control Program
Brenda Bursch, professor of psychiatry and biobehavioral sciences and professor of pediatrics at UCLA
Alon Avidan, professor of neurology and director of the UCLA Sleep Disorders Center
Nicole Green, executive director of student mental health services at UCLA